aussenalster. my favourite place to run.

the alster is a 53 km long tributary of the river elbe in northern germany. it has its source in henstedt-ulzburg in schleswig-holstein, approximately 25 km north of hamburg. the alster flows roughly southwards and reaches the elbe in hamburg, which was founded on its shore. in the centre of hamburg the alster has been dammed since 1190, originally to power a watermill. in 1235 a further dam was built for a second mill, which changed the form of the river to be like a lake. the alster forms two artificial lakes within the city limits of hamburg, the larger called außenalster (outer alster) and the smaller binnenalster (inner alster). the size of the außenalster is 1.6 km2. today these lakes and the surrounding parks serve as an important recreational area in the heart of the city.
the phrase "outer" refers to the old city walls of hamburg. the außenalster was the part of the lake that was "outside" the city walls. today the old city walls do not exist, instead two car and train bridges, the lombardbrücke and the kennedybrücke, span the river.
the außenalster is used by the inhabitants of hamburg for recreational purposes such as sailing and rowing. almost all banks of the außenalster are public. the banks vary from a small strip of green to large public parks (e.g. the alstervorland). It is very popular to jog around the lake (approx. 7.4 km).

the alster is a 53 km long tributary of the river elbe in northern germany. it has its source in henstedt-ulzburg in schleswig-holstein, approximately 25 km north of hamburg. the alster flows roughly southwards and reaches the elbe in hamburg, which was founded on its shore. in the centre of hamburg the alster has been dammed since 1190, originally to power a watermill. in 1235 a further dam was built for a second mill, which changed the form of the river to be like a lake. the alster forms two artificial lakes within the city limits of hamburg, the larger called außenalster (outer alster) and the smaller binnenalster (inner alster). the size of the außenalster is 1.6 km2. today these lakes and the surrounding parks serve as an important recreational area in the heart of the city.
the phrase "outer" refers to the old city walls of hamburg. the außenalster was the part of the lake that was "outside" the city walls. today the old city walls do not exist, instead two car and train bridges, the lombardbrücke and the kennedybrücke, span the river.
the außenalster is used by the inhabitants of hamburg for recreational purposes such as sailing and rowing. almost all banks of the außenalster are public. the banks vary from a small strip of green to large public parks (e.g. the alstervorland). It is very popular to jog around the lake (approx. 7.4 km).
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