Sonntag, 25. Februar 2007

24. straßenlaufcup 2007 (15 km)

10° celsius. partly sunny. 10:00 (1:07:29)

i was late! late to pick up anina on my way to forst rosengarten, the start of today's 15 km race - the second in series from 3 races. luckily it was only 8 minutes late. after picking her up, we chatted about the upcoming and previous races and i totally forgot which way was right or left when the navigation lady told me to stay on the left lane! i turned right and we had to make a detour! i was so unkonzentriert!

it wasn't that far from anina's place to the starting point (thanks to the autobahn). it took 15 minutes to reach there. the carpark was totally full (we couldn't enter anymore). i had to park the car along the sideways (luckily there was an empty spot) and it wasn't that far from the starting point either!

the weather in forst rosengarten was okay. partly cloudy with the sun coming out every now and then. the paths were still wet from the previous days/nights when the rain poured continuously. it could be snow too (i don't know). thank goodness that the weather forecast from few days ago predicting that it could be snowing on sunday didn't materialise. it was in other part of germany (the northeast area).

compare these pictures with the first run fortnight ago : 24. straßenlaufcup 2007 (10 km)

the fields around the forest looked much better than last time.

runners warming up and running towards the starting point. cars were park along the sideway cos the parking space was totally full.

the starting point and the startnumber collection tent
the small signboard says "strecke : 7,5 km hin, 7,5 km zurück". the small tent behind the signboard is for the bibnummer collection. look at the paths - muddy!

even though i brought extra shoes and extra running long-tights for emergency case (too cold and slippery), i realised that i didn't need to use it. i even left my running jacket in the car and decided to run without it. i was somewhere at the back when the race began at exactly 10 am. as usual i had my mp3 on and i was totally relax. just as i crossed over the starting line i realised that i had to overtake so many people in front of me including all the aunties and uncles who looked like they were on sunday stroll than running. worst they covered 2/3 of the paths! the paths wasn't that wide either. although i wanted to start slow, the hordes of extremely slow runners made me much slower. i had to box through them and this means i had to do short sprint to past through them and at the same time running uphill. urghh... next time i will start somewhere in front!

though there wasn't anymore snow on the course, the wet and muddy paths were like a hurdle for us. we had to be careful not to step into pools of water here and there. as i was running behind a group of five and concentrating not to step on the runner's shoes in front of me and didn't look forward, i missed the sudden detour from the front runners and landed in the pool of mud water. the shoes and my running tights were splashed with brown-coloured thing which i hate it very much. it was only around 4 km mark!

the route was a straight forward thing. run a 7.5 km through the hilly forest and come back the same way. well it was really a straight forward thing except that you have to go through the hilly up and down course twice. and it was really tiring! at about 5.5 to 6 km the fastest runner was already on his way back to the the starting/finishing line. wow, he was really fast (finishing time 53:23 mins for 15 km).

i ran 2/3 of the course behind someone (for the tempo and wind resistance) and had to break out from the group or overtake someone when i felt that the person in front of me was "too slow". due to countless uphill and downhill run, i mentally told myself that i excel in running up the slope. and i really did with ease. running down was always a problem for me - i had to slow down and more than once i heard footsteps very, very near behind me. the uphill helped me to stay a distance from the other competitors behind me and at the same time closing up to the runners in front of me. it was like a magnet - being pulled to the back runners on downhill and attracted to the front runners on the uphill.

i guess everyone would be happy in other races when they saw the last kilometer signboard. that includes me but the steeper hill that came shortly after the mark was a big hurdle and a setback of the anticipation of running the fastest kilometer. i just ran my tempo and in the end i was happy with my time. i knew i could run slightly faster if i had started somewhere in front. the hilly course had really boost up my confidence that i would have a better timing if this was to be run on a flat surface.

alsteration (week 8) : 43.429 km
alstering : 14.66 km
non-alstering : 28.769 km

total running (february) : 192.320 km
alstering : 65.97 km
34.30% gehört zu alsteration