Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2007


7° celsius. dry, slight wind. 18:02 (1:56:33)

have you ever run a distance and suddenly you feel like you're using very much less energy and still you are running at higher speed? well, today was the day.

i ran towards the alster slowly and as i reached the alster, i decided to run slightly faster than i usually do. so i managed to maintain my speed for the whole round without doing any sprinting at the end whatsoever. the first round ended up with a slow jog towards a small grass park which i used as a turning point. from there i began to run in an opposite direction as the first round.

started quite slowly till i ran behind a guy, who happened to be running almost at the speed as i did. moment later (about 500 m later) i overtook him and then continued running at a slightly higher speed than the first round. i wasn't sure if the guy that i overtook was following closely behind me cos i was too engrossed listening to my music from the mp3. all i could see was the shadow of someone close to me (on my left side) from the corner of my eyes and the thumping down of footsteps. by the way i couldn't care less who it was. the best thing was that, i wasn't even feeling tired and felt as if my legs were running like a machine, not complaining anything. so i maintained this speed for about 4 - 5 km before i gave in to a final sprint and slowed down tremendously before i could crossover the road and jogged the final 3 km back home.

i was lucky that the rain started only to pour down as i reached home to open the door.

alsteration (week 6) : 24.687 km
alstering : 14.66 km
non-alstering : 10.027 km

total running (february) : 67.711 km
alstering : 36.65 km
54.13% gehört zu alsteration