Samstag, 27. Januar 2007

around the block


3° celsius. fresh snow and windy. 17:18 (0:46:06 hrs)

ohhh... what a weather. now we really have a winter here. the road was totally covered with rest snow, which fell earlier today. i had to be careful when running on the 'unmended' walkways. it was very slippery running on ice! at some spot, the melted snow left a pool of water which i had to be alert, not to step into it and running in a wet shoes in the cold weather!

hmm... i didn't know where to run, so i just decided that my route for today was just to run somewhere around the neighbourhood cos at 18:00, i had to be at the klösterschule. there i did some exercises with a group of people, doing fitness exercises. whew, it was quite tough. left the place at about 18:55 and continued my run back home.

alsteration (week 4) : 19.510 km
alstering : 7.33 km
non-alstering : 12.180 km

total running (january) : 56.109 km
alstering : 36.65 km
65.32% gehört zu alsteration