Samstag, 10. März 2007

spring feelings

10° celsius. sunny and sometimes very windy. 10:57 (1:03:59)

ahh... it was so nice to be out there again in the sunshine. my legs still feel sore after thursday's training. both my calves and the back of my thighs are feeling very sore. thanks to the sprinting and interval/repeats!

the view of the aussenalster from my starting point

the compulsory photos before the start of the run
these photos reflect the weather and ground conditions before (sometimes after) my run around the alster lake.

all i wanted to do today was to run slowly. really slowly, just one round of alster. armed with my camera, i started my run a tortoise pace after doing my warm-up exercise. only a hundred meter away from the start, i stopped to take pictures. pictures of crocus. i was very, very happy to see these flowers bloom. it means that spring has begun!!!

crocus cultivars
more pictures from the crocus at the end.

kennedybrücke (kennedy bridge) - the second bridge (without the railway track)
running on this bridge during a windy day can be very, very cold especially in winter when the icy wind blows through the running attires and right into the bones! during the peak-hour traffic in the evening, act as if you are totally fresh and energetic when running on this bridge to impress the drivers stucked in the traffic jam.

bridges of hamburg
with more than 2000 bridges in the city, it is said that hamburg has the most numbers of bridges in the world(!).

this small building used to be public toilet until someone had a brilliant idea to change these toilets (there are few more around the alster) into cafés (since 1998). these cafés are the best stopover during a walk around the alster. by the way, functional toilets are still available within the café (just a smaller version from its original size).

trees around alster
i just like these huge trees with their branches spreading out. it is just like a natural fountain.

i would love to live somewhere near the alster, if possible directly near the lake. it is just a question of money. if you can afford to pay the exorbitant rent, then do it. it's worth it!

road hogging!
this grandma on bike had really got the nerves :-) cycling slowly in front of the tourist bus. luckily for the bus driver, it is not yet summer, when the bicycle season starts.

dog's life
i saw this dog running/playing with the ball in park. it was so cute to see him chasing and pushing the ball around. a small area at the alster is reserved for the four-legged to run around freely (or they will run around the walkway and disturb the joggers, especially the fast joggers - not biting, just their unpredictable change of direction can sometimes cause trouble). in summer, the dogs will play football(!) together with their owners - it is fun to watch them!

the crocus

i took all the photos of the crocus around the lake as i ran and stopped. that was the reason why i took so long to cover the 7.33 km stretch. it blooms all over around the alster lake. the most important news that these crocus brought was that the spring has begun with perfect weather and sunshine. the spring feelings are back!

alsteration (week 10) : 43.706 km
alstering : 21.99 km
non-alstering : 21.716 km

total running (march) : 43.706 km
alstering : 21.99 km
50.31% gehört zu alsteration