Dienstag, 13. März 2007


15° celsius. dry. 18:25 (0:47:38)

should i run or shouldn't i? that was the big question today cos the weather was sooooo nice! it was sunny and warm : 17 - 20° celsius in the day. hmmm.... i've read somewhere that if you are undecided, just put on your running attire and run. if after a few hundred meters and you don't feel like running, you can always turn back and go home!

that was exactly what i did. i ran few hundred meters and while waiting for the traffic light to go green (for pedestrians), i'd decided to turn back. instead of running back home i'd chosen to run in the park, although the original idea was to run around the alster.

at almost every turns/crossings i just run aimlessly without having any plan where my route should be. i wasn't even thinking of running "fast" today, just a slow jog in the neighbourhood. the after effect from yesterday's run was still there - the sore muscles. a regenerative run as my running colleagues would say.

alsteration (week 11) : 7.497 km
alstering : 0.00 km
non-alstering : 7.497 km

total running (march) : 72.301 km
alstering : 21.99 km
30.41% gehört zu alsteration