Montag, 24. September 2007

tapering run i

19° celsius. cloudy but dry. 19:25 (0:45:40)

as the summer running season is coming to an end, the main training now is focused on the long run. no more sprinting and short distance running. well, as if i did train for all that. anyway, today we were introduced to a new collection of running attires for the team. no more asics, now it is adidas. slightly same colour but cheaper than asics. the running jacket looked very nice (most probably fit my body) but the long tights looked really silly. well, i guessed that was because jens-uwe was wearing it :-). the rest of the stuffs were okay as well.

we started to do the 2.7 km warm-up run around the small stadtpark. nothing unusual about that except that it was getting dark :-(. at the end of the run, the trainer decided that we do just the 5 km run without any tempo or speed.

i ran together with jens-uwe since both of us are running the berlin marathon on this coming sunday. we decided to take things slow and easy. after about a km or so, jens-uwe decided that we catch up with dagmar and michael, who were running ahead of us, because we were not so sure about the 5 km route inside the stadtpark. as we finally caught up with them, michael did not slow down but pushed a little bit. even though it wasn't that fast, i was quite uncomfortable with the speed but still hanging on to the tempo, cos i didn't want any unnecessary waste of energy to be given away before the marathon.

my very first ever training since end of june.