Freitag, 29. August 2008

windy summer

19° celsius. slightly cloudy but windy. 18:27 (1:05:46)

i wasn't sure whether to run today. my halfmarathon is on this coming sunday and i haven't been running "properly" for such a long time. well, the weather was also to be blamed - rainy, windy and sometimes stormy. and it was supposed to be summer.

ran quite slowly towards alster as usual. on the halfway point, i received a sms saying that i should pick up something from a friend who happened to be in hamburg. hmm... while typing the sms, another friend from badminton stopped by the road to take a look at a 1972-built beige-coloured mercedes which cost about 4600 euro. we talked about few minutes and then i continued my run towards the hotel.

after a brief meeting, i continued my run back to where i started - the sportclub to take my shower. i did the mistake of running a bit too quickly and i knew that on sunday, i would suffer.

alsteration (week 35) : 12.062 km
alstering : 12.062 km
non-alstering : 0.000 km

total running (august) : 52.523 km
alstering : 36.650 km
69.78% gehört zu alsteration